jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Portfolio # 11: Metacognitive analysis: my writing so far.

Portfolio # 11

Metacognitive analysis: My writing so far
The ability to write well organized paragraphs is something really difficult to achieve, but I think I am in the way of doing so. At the very beginning of the year, my writing was not well organized. For example, I did not have an idea of what a thesis statement was and where it had to be located. As another example, I did not know the structure of a paragraph, so I just wrote whatever without following a particular organization. As still another instance, I used to use few linking words, what made my texts not only confusing but also looking simple and not academic. Undoubtedly, a couple of months ago, my writing were disrupted as well as meandering.
Theory worked in class during this time, definitely helped me a lot to write in a better and more academic way. Firstly, I felt a bit confused because of all the new concepts and steps to be taken into account at the time of writing properly. Secondly, I realized of my lacks and mistakes in my texts. Finally, I began to take into consideration the theory in order to write in a more controlled and intellectual manner. Clearly, theory has affected my present pattern of writing.
My writing has incredibly changed since the beginning of the year but I still think I am in the middle of the process to write perfectly. Before, I used to write feverishly, excitedly, without following a particular structure. By the time, I consider I write reflectively, which means that I not only think a lot before writing something, but also I take into account the theory studied. Some time ago, I used to write without paying much attention to vocabulary. Now, by contrast, I try to vary my language, searching for synonyms as well as antonyms in order to avoid repeating words. Evidently, my writing has favorable changed but I feel I must continue writing in order to improve this skill.  

New lexical item in my writing:
 1. to cause disorder or turmoil in: The news disrupted theirconference.
2. to destroy, usually temporarily, the normal continuance or unityof; interrupt: Telephone service was disrupted for hours.
to break apart: to disrupt a connection.
broken apart; disrupted.

Meandering: Usually, meanders. turnings or windings; a winding path orcourse.
a circuitous movement or journey.
an intricate variety of fret or fretwork.

Incredibly: 1. so extraordinary as to seem impossible: incredible speed.
not credible; hard to believe; unbelievable: The plot of the book isincredible.

Feverishly: 1. having fever.
pertaining to, of the nature of, or resembling fever: a feverishexcitement.
excited, restless, or uncontrolled, as if from fever.
having a tendency to produce fever.

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Syria: The Prescription to Control the World

Paper's Topic: Conflict in Syria
Paper's Heading:

A Prescription to Control the World

Alonso, Analia; Fares, Andrea; Torrecillas Xoana
Teacher: Saubidet, Stella

The Prescription to Control the World

     Syria has been involved in a bloody war for too many years, and although international investigators have made interesting discoveries about the real cause of this war, it is known that  USA, England and Saudi Arabia as well, stopped these researches with the unique intention of maintaining the truth hidden  The question should be who are the real actors that are today in the scenery of this conflict. It is obvious that there are not two groups fighting against each other, but there exists a third force that is not only provoking it to maintain its real intentions in secret (the intention of oil acquisition), but also inducing the use of chemical weapons to produce a worldwide aversion. The desire is undoubtedly  war as  the only way by which the actual international empire can preserve its power notwithstanding the terrible damages it causes due to its interests in worldwide and to its permanent political custom to induce and control other nation’s wills in foreign and international matters.
     The so called Syrian uprising began with protests against President Bashar al-Assad's regime  in March 2011. However, it crossed an important point a year and a half later, when the international Red Cross formally declared it a civil war. Since then, the United Nations estimates more than 100,000 people have died in the disputes between President Bashar al-Assad's government and rebel forces who want to oust him. The amount of innocent victims is still climbing higher as fighting rages across the country are increasing significantly. Tens of thousand people are escaping from Syria, searching refugee camps in neighbouring countries such as Turkey and Greece. Initially,  the protesters just wanted democracy and more considerable freedom. Once the security forces opened fire on peaceful demonstrations, people demanded that the President, Bashar al-Assad, resignation. However, President Assad strongly refused to resign.
     No one can ignore that the profound of this conflict seem to be the struggle between the supporters of a leader who ruled the country in a dictatorial way, and other groups that pretend to obtain recognition of their rights as well as the end of racial discrimination in a  more unprejudiced and equitable society.  A profound analysis of the conflict will manifest the secret real cause and will also evidence USA’s  interests in oil as the only genesis. As a matter of fact,  this country does not want Syria to sell oil to other countries in anything but US dollars, and by contrast,  Syria wants to sell oil to Russia in rubles and to China in Chinese currency and to other countries in whatever they want to exchange for it. Doubtless, as US made many times before, it uses all the techniques, known and unknown, to maintain the war, as a manner to appear itself as the sole salvation in the moment of its intervention, as well as making a secret work to assure the continuation of the conflict. In the same way, there is enough evidence to assert that UK has been exchanging weapons for oil with Saudi Arabia a pronounced enemy to Syria since 1985.
    It is known that the possession of oil is nowadays the best way to maintain the primacy over the world, and USA is using all the possibilities to obtain it.  The use of chemical weapons to solve war conflicts exists from the very beginning of human history and there is enough evidence to assert that people have been utilizing and refining them to cause terrible damage. Although the Geneva Protocol prohibited the use of these mortal elements in warfare in 1924, the latest news made us know the use of this frightening poison in the Syrian conflict. This horrendous behavior has originated an intricate of accusations between USA, UK, France and Saudi Arabia against Syria´s governor Bashar al-Assad and Russia. USA promoted the investigation, making a public campaign against Assad as well as being the most resolute supporter of intervention as the only way to preserve civilian lives. By contrast,  recent researches have demonstrated that it is not clear not only who used the chemical weapons, but also who was inducing this action in secret.
      Syrian Foreign  Ministry Makdissi said that Syria would use chemical weapons only in case of foreign aggression but never against civilians and asked the United Nations to launch an investigation. Russia’s foreign minister supported this position assuring that revels do not have the possibility to use these weapons without the complicity of a power government interested in the end of  Assad´s regime. In the same way, UN's investigation team said that it is unclear what strategic benefit can be obtained by the regime by using these weapons, in the light of the risk it represents as an aversion to the entire world.  It is expected that the results and statements by the Swedish scientist and weapons expert Ake Sellstrom will be objective and balanced, which would then be a difference to the usual double-standards by the officials of the United Nations (UN) in terms of Syria. On the other hand, although Obama is the most powerful promoter of intervention ( as he had made before in Irak), US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel believes that the poison gas was used on a small scale and as if it was not enough, according to Moscow´s ambassador to the United Nations, chemical weapons were clearly used  most likely by Syrian rebels with the support of a segment interested in the intervention.
    In spite of the fact that the conclusions of the investigations are still not clear, Obama arranged and sent three American ships in the Mediterranean Ocean, expecting the order to bomb Syria for three days under the mask of an advertence, without taking into account the fact that it can provoke a terrible damage in the civilians that they are supposed to be defending. “What is the plan? Where are we going in Syria? And what do you want to accomplish?” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers asked Sunday.The constant propaganda against Syria´s government made by USA, convinced other countries to follow its ambitious plans of domination, such as Arabia (a Syrian´s enemy) which has been exchanging oil by weapons from France.
     In conclusion, the conflict in Syria seems to be provoked by hidden and secret interests by the part of the USA among other powerful countries. At present, such tendency is being evidenced by the ready-to- bomb forces placed in the Mediterranean Ocean. What is the plan? Not only seems the plan to be ignoring Syrians’ freedom but also seems to be causing a division among the deeply affected Syrians who escape in order to feel themselves safe. Whether Syria used chemical weapons or not may be a worldwide question whose answer people may desire to know, but the obvious interest by the part of the powerful nations in undoubtedly telling us the whatever the conflict may be, there exists a clear interest to restrict Syria’ s business and economy thus creating an atmosphere of terror and uncertainty which makes this war even more hostile and cruel.

Works Cited:

          Telenoche ( September, 2nd) [tv programm], chanel 13

          WiseGEEK, clear answers for common questions. "What are Chemical Weapons?" [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-chemical-weapons.htm [Last Accessed 30 August 2013].

         Znews, "Chemical weapons in Syria". [ONLINE] Available at:zeenews.india.com/tags/chemical_weapons_in_Syria.html[Last Accessed 30 August 2013].


       Znews, "Hagelspeaks with Israeli Defence Minister on Iran, Syria and Egypt". [ONLINE] Available at:zeenews.india.com/news/world/hagel-speaks-with-israeli-defence-minister-on.iran-syria-amd-egypt 870772.html[Last Accessed 30 August 2013].


       Znews, "Hundreds gassed to death in Syria, world paralysed". [ONLINE] Available at:zeenews.india.com/news/world/hundreds-gassed-to-death-in-syria-world-paralysed-870850.html

                     Graphic organizer

  • Bloddy war, use of chemical weapons
  • Real intentions
  • Thesis: The desire is war


  • Short explanation of the conflict
  • Analysis of the real causes
  • The importance of oil in the conflict
  • Investigation of the use of chemical weapons
  • Nowadays situation

  • Hidden and secret causes to preserve the power


martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Entry n°10 Research paper

Research paper
Torrecillas, Xoana Soledad
10 July 2013
Arts Education and Its Inclusion in the Education System

      Arts education is the communication and integration of life, literacy and learning that can only be achieved through experience by learners. Art education scoupes from music and dancing to visual arts and theatre (Junior, 2008). Art can provide an opportunity to keep the community together. Indeed art is the universal language that communicates all people across cultures. In the early 1960's arts education was secure but the scenario changed in the late 1970's. The support for arts related activities was eliminated from the school budgets (Atkinson, D. 2002). Any learning must appreciate the role of art for its success, the emphasis should be on ‘doing' in order to fully understand during the learning process. Activities like music, drawing and drama appeared to consume much of the budgetary distribution and that causes the risk of being fully eliminated from the school system. As such a risk grows bigger and bigger, it is very important to show the importance of introducing art education and artistic methods of learning in the education structure as well as the way this kind of instruction influences learners.
     Firstly, we have to say that none can deny the importance of art in education. "Art does not solve problems, but makes us aware of their existence," sculptor Magdalena Abakanowicz has said. Arts education, on the other hand, solves problems. Besides, it is closely linked to almost everything that we as a nation say we want for our children and demand from our schools: academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunities. Furthermore, involvement in the arts is associated with gains in math, reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. As if it was not enough, arts learning can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork.
     Secondly, we have to talk about the existence of the integration of mind, body and the spirit which is produced by art. Art has the capability of expressing emotions and ideas into live experience (Koopman, 2005). Concepts expressed in words may affect only the mind and fail to integrate with the body and spirit. Learning is most effective when what has been kept in the mind can be experienced in the body and affect the spirit. That is possible thanks to art, since it can be expressed in words e.g. songs and poems as well as theatre plays as well as pictures and sculptures.
     Then, we have to focus on another advantage of this kind of education, and it has to do with the fact that art develops collaboration. The modern world requires more social skills, that is, it demands more interactivity among people. This is something hard to comprehend by an individual, but it could be simply presented as an art for easy understanding. For example, children would easily understand historical events not through mere reading about them but also through painting them in a timeline, acting them or even writing a song on them. Students can spend an afternoon writing a poem related to those historical events, in the company of parents, teachers and/ or their classmates. Different topics can be presented to the students by creating opportunities where they could manage the ideas by their own, as a group. The elimination of art education in the education system risks having a disintegrated society.
     Finally, based on the advantages of art education before mentioned, there is an urgent need to integrate the art aspect into the education system. The legislature needs to make arts an obligatory subject in all schools, perhaps right from elementary to graduate levels. Besides, teachers and parents need also encourage arts activities among the students. Every country should also make arts education a priority in order to avoid the elimination of it from the educational budget. Furthermore, when giving assignments, the teachers should emphasize use of artistic methods in coming up with solutions (Skilling & Jerry, 2003).
All in all, in the education structure, the introduction of art education as well as artistic methods of learning should be introduced in the early schooling years. At the kindergarten and nursery schools, teaching should use artistic methods in explaining concrete concepts. The children should be encouraged to interact in learning activities. Elementary levels should fully integrate art education in the school curriculum. Other than using artistic teaching methods and learning activities, the learners should be introduced to art as a subject. Appreciation for artistic representation of historical events in terms of drawings and narrations should be encouraged. At the secondary level there should very high standards of emphasis on art. For example, outdoor activities can be included during curriculum redesigning in order to offer the basis for evaluating the learnt art outcomes among students (Atkinson, D. 2002).
     To conclude, the discussion has explored advantages of the concept of art education and its inclusion in the education system. The full inclusion of this kind of education and its appreciation by the participants would improve the traditional and conventional form of education. Since, it not only provides a useful way of teaching abstracts concepts but also it makes people interact among them. Art education can therefore generate joy into the learning process as well as making schools to be more vibrant places for creativity as well as practical application in learnt skills.

Artswa, Arts in Education. Available at http://www.arts.wa.gov/resources/documents/WSAC-Winter-2003-Newsletter.pdf

Atkinson, D. (2002). Art in education: identity and practice. London, UK: Springer Publishers.

Buchanan, B. (May 2008). Beyond the Basics. American School Board Journal. 36-40.

Edutopia, Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best:

Available at: http://www.edutopia.org/arts-music-curriculum-child-development Retrieved: June 28, 2013

Junior. T. E. (2008). Keeping the Arts Alive. School Libary Journal , 88.

Koopman, C. (2005). Art as Fulfillment: On the Justification of Education in the Arts. Journal of Philosophy of Education.

Lafee, S. (2007). Art Smarts: Lessons Learned about investing in a well rounded education. California Schools Magazine, 42-46.

Skilling, W., & Jerry, C. (2003). Art Awakening. American School Board Journal. 32-34.

UK essays .com, The UK’s expert provider custom essays. Available at: http://essaybank.ukessays.com/sample-essays/education/art-education-and-its-inclusion-in-the-education-system.php Retrieved: June 28, 2013

My graphic organizer

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Entry n° 9 My version of the CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH corresponding to the essay analised in class.

A Call to Action: Regulate Use of Cell Phones on the Road.

       To conclude, expert testimony, public opinion, and even cartoons suggest that driving while phoning is very dangerous. Furthermore, scientific research confirms the dangers of using this kind of gadgets while on the road. Unfortunately, millions of people die because of this fact, around the world, every day.
Probably, after having read this text, the reader’s question is the following: is there any solution for this problem? And if there is one, what is it about? Most people believe that the establishment of stronger and homogeneous laws, legislated at national level is essential to reduce the amount of this kind of fatalities in all societies. Actually, laws on traffic safety vary from state to state, and drivers distracted by cell phones can get off with light punishment even when they cause fatal accidents. Fortunately, it has been proved that laws regulating phones use can make our roads safer. In Japan, for example, accidents linked to cell phones fell by 75% just a month after the country prohibited using a handheld phone while driving. Finally, with all this evidence, and because of mounting public awareness of the dangers of drivers distracted by phones, state legislators must begin to take the problem seriously and start to work on this.


Besthoff, Len. "Cell Phone Use Increases Risk of Accidents, but Users Willing to Take the 

Risk." WRAL.com. Capitol Broadcasting, 9Nov. 1999. Web. 12 June. 2013.

Haughney, Christine. "Taking Phones out of Drivers' Hands." Washington Post 5 Nov. 2000:

 A8. Print.

Stockwell, Jamie. "Phones Use Faulted in Collision." Washington Post 6 Dec. 2000: B1+. 


jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Entry n°8 Peer assessment: immigration

Immigration all over the world

        Immigration has been always the first option for people from different countries to escape from their hopeless situation. For example, people from Spain migrated to Argentina and others countries, because of the Spain Civil War. As another example, people from Bolivia and Paraguay usually migrate to neighbor countries in order to escape from their countries’ devastating economic situation.  As still another instance, most people in Argentina decided to migrate to USA and Spain in 2001, as a result of the social, political and economic crisis the country was suffering at that moment. Clearly, most of the people around the world choose to be exiled from their origin country when they are living a desperate situation.

My new version taking into account Ana's suggestions

Immigration has been always the first option for people from different countries to escape from their hopeless situation. For example, people from Spain migrated to Argentina and others countries, because of the Spain Civil War. As another example, inhabitants from Bolivia and Paraguay usually migrate to neighbor nations in order to escape from their countries’ devastating economic situation.  As still another instance, most of the population in Argentina decided to migrate to USA and Spain in 2001, as a result of the social, political and economic crisis their native land was suffering at that moment. Clearly, most of the citizens around the world choose to be exiled from their motherland when they are living a desperate situation.

My mate (Ana Lia Alonso) has some problems to upload her comment in the comment section, so she sent it to me by email.

The paragraph written by you is clear, correct and it shows a real knowledge of the subject.
I believe that to improve it, you should use more synonyms, since your group of words contain a repetition of some items as: people, from, country.
If I were you, instead of people I would sometimes use:  person, inhabitants; population
Instead of country: land, nation, the place were they came from, their native place, the place were they lived before
Instead of people from USA, USA´s people.
I really expect my suggestions will help you as I am  sure yours will improve my writing.

Entry n°7 My paragraph and my mate's version of it. Metacognitive analysis

My paragraph

 The success in cooking a delicious cake usually depends on the selection of the way to prepare it. For example, we can decide to cook it in the oven, as most of the people do. As another example, we can take advantage of the technology by using the microwave-oven. As still another example, we can make use of the typical pot everybody has in our houses, the famous pot “Essen”. Clearly, there are different ways of preparing an exquisite cake but its success is directly related to the method we choose for heating it.

My mate's version (Alonso, Ana Lia)

There are some different possibilities to cook a cake, we only have to choose the most  useful to us. For example, we can decide to cook it in the oven, as most of the people do. As another example, we can take advantage of the technology by using the microwave-oven. As still another example, we can make use of the typical pot everybody has in our houses, the famous pot “Essen”. In conclusion, we have enough possibilities to choose when we decide to cook a cake.

Metacognitive analysis

To start with, I have to say that it was an interesting experience, since it lets us know the other person’s point of view and her way of expressing it. As you can see in the last paragraph, my classmate, Ana, modifid the topic and closing sentence of my own paragraph. However, the overall meaning of the extract did not vary, the idea is the same. On the other hand, I can observe that in Ana’s version there are not synonyms, antonyms, and hyponyms neither in the topic sentence nor in the closing one, which are very useful to avoid repetition. I tried to reflect those aspects in my version, for example, by using the words “delicious” and “exquisite”, as another example, “cook” and “heat”, as still another example, “different ways” and “different methods”. I really think it is a good task to help one another to improve our writings, so Ana: I am looking forward to your corrections of my paragraph!!!

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Entry n°6 Structured Paragraph Writing

Structured Paragraph Writing

Academic writing implies writing well structures paragraphs.
Here, there are some interesting videos which can help us learn 
different steps to write well strucured paragraphs.

Parts of a paragraph: English Academic Writing: Most important issues discussed in this video:

1. TOPIC SENTENCE: Here, we have to make clear what our subject is, what we are going to write about.

2.      BODY: Here, we have to support our topic by providing details and arguments about it. We can order them chronologically (firstly, secondly, finally), or we can order them according to their importance.

3.      CLOSING SENTENCE: It has 2 functions:
·         Remind our audience what we are talking about.
·         Restate the topic but in a different way, by adding something. The aim is to keep people thinking about the topic.

Academic Writing: Most important issues discussed in this video:
Structure of a paragraph:
·         The style: in Academic Writing is formal.
·         The correct punctuation.
·         Paragraphing: expresses organized thoughts( the most important one)

What is a paragraph?
·         A distinct section in a piece of writing.
·         A number of related sentences.
·         Only one idea (the most important one).

Elements of the Paragraph:
·         Unit: is a distinct of writing easy to identify.
·         Coherence: must be focused on one main idea, supported by examples or  evidence.
·         Development: the paragraph must be well organized, must be coherent.

Qualities of a successful paragraph:
·         Unity: all the sentences must be focused in the main idea.
·         Coherence: each sentence must be related to the other.
·         Development: the main idea is supported by enough details and examples to make it valid.

·         Start a paragraph with a topic sentence.
·         Topic sentence: main idea, contains a topic and a controlling idea.
·         Controlling idea: comment about the topic sentence.
·         Other possibilities, wh questions: who, what, where, when, why, how.
·         Create logical bridges from one sentence to another.
·         Use of key words.
·         Use of synonyms.
·         Use of pronouns.
·         Use of transition words.
Development: Provides details and evidence to support the topic. Illustrates the point  with examples, to convince the reader that  your writing is valid.
TEE rules:
T: topic, the most powerful sentence.
E: explains why this is the powerful sentence.
E: examples, evidence.
Introductory paragraph (most important paragraph)
·         State main argument.
·         How you intend to answer the question.

Concluding paragraph ( next most important one)
·         Summarize the main points in few sentences
·         State main conclusion..
·         Must satisfy the reader (has the question been answered?).
·         Introduce new material.
·         End with a generalization.
·         End with a quotation.
DO: let your opinion let through.

AlexESLvid, Parts of a Paragraph - English Academic Writing Introduction. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cCuExRE6N-4#! Retrieved: May 27, 2013
Massey University, Writing Structured Paragraphs. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=w183qB0KDFg Retrieved: May 27, 2013


Members of the group: 
Alonso, Ana Lia
Torrecillas, Xoana Soledad