A Call to Action: Regulate Use of Cell Phones on the Road.
To conclude, expert testimony, public opinion, and
even cartoons suggest that driving while phoning is very dangerous.
Furthermore, scientific research confirms the dangers of using this kind of
gadgets while on the road. Unfortunately, millions of people die because of
this fact, around the world, every day.
Probably, after having read this text, the reader’s
question is the following: is there any solution for this problem? And if there
is one, what is it about? Most people believe that the establishment of
stronger and homogeneous laws, legislated at national level is essential to reduce the amount of this kind of
fatalities in all societies. Actually, laws on traffic safety vary from state to state,
and drivers distracted by cell phones can get off with light punishment even
when they cause fatal accidents. Fortunately, it has been proved that laws regulating phones
use can make our roads safer. In Japan, for example, accidents linked to cell
phones fell by 75% just a month after the country prohibited using a handheld
phone while driving. Finally, with all this
evidence, and because of mounting public awareness of the dangers of drivers
distracted by phones, state legislators must begin to take the problem
seriously and start to work on this.
Besthoff, Len. "Cell Phone Use Increases Risk of Accidents, but Users Willing to Take the
Risk." WRAL.com. Capitol Broadcasting, 9Nov. 1999. Web. 12 June. 2013.
Haughney, Christine. "Taking Phones out of Drivers' Hands." Washington Post 5 Nov. 2000:
A8. Print.
Stockwell, Jamie. "Phones Use Faulted in Collision." Washington Post 6 Dec. 2000: B1+.